European Projects
SDG was partner in several european projects:
GRENDEL – Green and efficient Danube fleet, Call DTP2-052-3.1-GRENDEL. Project proposed within the INTERREG – Danube Transnational Programme. 12 ERDF partners, 1 IPA partner and 10 Associated Strategic Partners. Coordinator: Pro Danube International/ AT. Period: 01.06.2018-30.11.2020.
The project aims to support the Danube fleet operators and their public counterparts in ecological and economic modernisation of the sector. GRENDEL will support ministries and public authorities in elaborating public support measures (State Aid schemes) based on investment priorities of relevant Danube inland waterway fleet operators.
The complete details about the project can be found here.
Budget in Euro | |
Overall: | 1,824,999.20 |
ERDF Contribution: | 1,481,137.05 |
IPA Contribution: | 70,112.25 |
ENI Contribution: | 0.00 |

FP7 – ADAM4EVE – Adaptive and smart materials and structures for more efficient vessels. Contract No. 314206. Coordinator Center of Maritime Technologies e. V, Hamburg, Germany. 20 partners. Period: 01.01.2013-31.12.2015.
The project aimed to improve efficiency, variability and safety of European built vessels by developing, applying and testing adaptive materials and structures (so called smart solutions).

INNOVATIVE DANUBE VESSEL, Transnational project in the Program Danube Region Strategy, 6 partners, coordinator: DST Duisburg, Germany. Period: 01.07.2012-15.12.2013.
In the project frame activities, SDG has developed a conceptual design for a LNG fueled Danube pusher.

EasySHIP – Improve Ship Design Complexity , Trans-national project in the frame of FP6-ERA-NET MANUNET Project. Consortium of 5 partners. Coordinator: DN&T Liege, Belgium. Period: 2011-2013.
The key objective of the project was to provide, at the designer level, a new innovative tool to reliably estimate and verify the complexity of different design concepts at different stages of product development.

FP7 – Move It! – Modernisation of Vessels for Inland waterway freight Transport, Project number 285405, Collaborative project in Call FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1. Coordinator, MARINE Vageningen, Netherlands. Period 01.10.2011- 30.09.2014.
The activities performed by the 20 partners, focused on developing several options for the modernisation of inland ships, in order to meet the challenges of the over-aging fleet, climate change, stronger environmental objectives and to provide decision support related to these options

FP6 – IMPROVE – Design Of Improved and Competitive Products Using an Integrated Decision Support System for Ship Production and Operation.
Coordinator ANAST – University of Liege, 18 partners. Project No. 031382. Period: 01.10.2006- 30.09.2009.
The main objective of the IMPROVE project was to develop three new ship generations in an integrated multiple criteria decision making environment.
The project focused on new generations of LNG gas carriers, chemical tankers and an innovative concept of a large Ro-Pax vessel.